
Hiya, How’s everyone doing? I still wake up feeling like everything is not real. D7 into MCO and I still can’t phantom this covid-19 virus that’s causing a global pandemic and a worldwide lockdown. About a month ago, I was struggling with the work on hand, lamenting with hubbs on challenges and hurdles as well as our local political landscape that have in a way create anxiety and frustration; Right now, I’m just grateful that I still get have a job when this whole ordeal is over.

I’m just so very grateful for this whole partial lockdown ordeal. It’s like God have given me a full 14 days to spend with my kids, something that I would never do as we’re busy chasing the business of life. I hope the kids will always remember this bonding memory that we share.

It’s been an enlightening period for self realisation, to appreciate the luxury of having abundance and not taking it for granted, ever.

It’s putting a pause in the midst of chasing busyness and ticking every daily check list. Instead allow time to slow down and appreciate the joy of doing the most basic things. It gave me the opportunity to make everyday a good day, to indulge in simple joy, slowing down and living the moment.

It’s about learning how to embrace uncertainties, to brace through things you never see coming.

It’s about realising what truly matters.

They say every dark cloud have a silver lining, and there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. I’m grateful for this humbling feeling and I know we will look back reevaluation of our lives, to realise what truly matters.