5 years.

Last Tuesday, I went to renew my license (it was expired since April!) I was not aware of it as we were in complete lockdown then, until I pull it out in exchange for a pass to enter my job site earlier. The nice lady over the counter ask me how many years I would like to renew, instantly I ask what is the maximum and she said 5 years. Without hesitation, I went ahead with it. 

Got back to my car, I take a good look at my shiny new driving license: It states the expiration in 2025. It got my envisage: What’s it going to be like when it comes to my next driving license renewal in year 2025?

I would be 38 years old then.
JH will be 13, JN will be 9. 
Will I still be doing what I do?
Will we be staying where we are?
Will we be better then where we are or more?

Few things for sure:
I want to use whatever time I have in this 5 years to cultivate more meaningful relationship, to develop more growth, contribution & contentment. 

I want to continue to find & fulfil a passion to live for that is bigger than myself. 

I want to continue to live life with less – less stuff, less clutter, less baggage; a life with fewer discontent; instead to embrace life inevitable  storm with more calm, more thoughtfulness & more focus.  

See (me) in 5 years.